What is EAC and Using The 12-Step Program of Recovery With Donkeys?

EAC, is Equine Assisted Coaching with Georgie and Billy Bob, the donkeys. The donkeys help humans see and reveal underlying feelings and emotions. The donkeys feel and mirror these feelings and emotions when they meet you and connect with you as you do activities with them. All activities are from the ground, no riding them.

Georgie and Billy Bob are the True Counselors, for your Healing and Insight to your addictions. The donkeys speak by using body language and unconditional love that comes from their heart. They never lie or judge.

The facilitator, Teri, is trained in reading the body language of the humans and the donkeys. The body language is subtle but has messages for you. Metaphors from this process facilitate questions that Teri can ask, revealing answers from the human that have kept the human stuck in a cycle of their addictions. This EAC process is for humans. Staying open and allowing assistance from the donkey connection can bring joy to Recovery from Addictions.

The Donkey Love, The Unconditional Love that you will feel from Georgie and Billy Bob, will have you wanting to… Keep Coming Back!

Please contact me with any questions. Call for a session, I am also in recovery, TERi RENAUD, EAC, (928) 200-8317